Here is a list of frequently asked questions we have received. If you have a question that is not listed, please get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to answer it to the best of our ability!
Is there a time limit to build after lot purchase?
There is no time limit to build once you purchase your lot. You can take as long as you need. If you are wanting to build your dream custom home reach out to one of our preferred builders for a consultation!
Is there a minimum square footage requirement?
Min Square Footage: CC&R's 9.09 States: "The at grade level footprint of each dwelling, regardless of the number of stories, shall be not less that 1800 sq ft, including the garage.
When can I start the building process?
You can start building when asphalt is complete which is already underway!
Is there gas?
Yes! Dominion Energy goes to Eagles Landing.
Who is the Power Company?
Rocky Mountain Power!
Is there an HOA?
Yes the HOA is $25/month. The HOA president is Dustin Quarnbert.
801-362-1098. Learn more about the HOA here.

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